Biography of Kurt Lewin

Kurt Lewin was born at 9 September 1890 in Mogilno Vilage, Prusia (Poland). He grew up in middle class of Jewish family. He become a Medicine student in Frieberg University, then he was transferred. to study biology in Munich University. He got his Ph.D in Berlin University where he developed his interest in Philosophy Science and Gestalt Psychology.  His Ph.D was given in 1916, when he was also being German soldier.

He stayed in America in 1940 because the German Political Situation was deteriorated. He buit Dynamics Group Research Center in Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Kurt Lewin also contributed in some project for American Jewish Congress in New York about Commission of Inter-Community Relation.

Definition of Field Theory or “Teori Medan”

this theory can be describe as a system that dynamically related, it means that every part gives influence to each other, there’s no separated or isolated part. Its basic statement are that:

  1. Behavior must be derived from a totality of coexisting facts,
  2. These coexisting facts make up a “dynamic field,” which means that the state of any part of the field depend on every other part of it,
  3. Behavior depends on the present field rather that on the past or the future. “This is in contrast both to the belief of teleology that future is the cause of behavior, and that of associationism that the past is the cause of behavior.”

One of Kurt Lewin’s Formula

“Behavior is a Function of the Individual and Environment” — Kurt Lewin.

Life space is about psychological fact of human. Life space was divided into some parts that have limit to obstruct the individual goal.

Life Space an Individual According to Lewin 

Caption: The Action Research logo is based on Lewinian Field Theory. A person is motivated to meet their individual needs by pursuing various goal. The drawing above illustrates the basic principle and demonstrates the complex interaction of the person and the environment with regards to a particular behavior.

Field Theory Application in Study:

  1. Study as cognitive system change
  2. Reward and punishment according Kurt Lewin
  3. Success and failure
  4. Success in giving back up energy mobilization.


Biografi Kurt Lewin

Kurt Lewin lahir pada tanggal 9 September 1890 di desa Mogilno di Prusia (sekarang bagian dari Polandia). Dibesarkan dalam keluarga Yahudi kelas menengah. Memasuki Universitas Frieberg untuk belajar kedokteran, lalu dipindahkan ke Universitas Munich untuk belajar biologi. Gelar doktornya diambil di Universitas Berlin di mana ia mengembangkan minat dalam bidang filsafat ilmu dan psikologi Gestalt. Gelar Ph.D. nya diberikan pada 1916, tapi pada saat itu ia sedang mengabdi pada militer Jerman.

Menetap di Amerika pada tahun 1940 karena pertimbangan politik yang samakin memburuk di Jerman. Mendirikan Pusat Penelitian Dinamika di Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Kurt Lewin juga terlibat dalam sebuah proyek untuk Kongres Yahudi Amerika di New York yakni Komisi antar-hubungan Masyarakat.

Pengertian Teori Medan

Secara umum, teori ini dapat dideskripsikan sebagai suatu sistem yang saling terkait secara dinamis, dimana setiap bagiannya saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain, artinya tidak ada bagian yang terpisah atau terisolasi.

Life space (ruang kehidupan) seseorang adalah jumlah total dari semua fakta psikologis. Life space  terbagi atas bagian-bagian yang memiliki batas-batas yang dapat menghambat tujuan individu.

Aplikasi Teori Medan dalam Belajar 

  1. Belajar sebagai perubahan sistem kognitif
  2. Hadiah dan hukuman menurut Kurt Lewin
  3. Masalah berhasil dan gagal
  4. Sukses memberi mobilisasi energi cadangan.


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